THE RETURNEES *Home Sweet Home!

                      Brand New Video Series                                                                                                                                                                              

                ***** Watch the Video Trailer: 

We are pleased to introduce a brand new Video series called “The Returnees”! Recently, there has been a rise in the number of Cameroonians returning home from the Diaspora. The production team captured and continue to capture some of these Returnees’ stories in a series of video in which they share unique, personal and inspiring as well as challenging experiences with audiences worldwide. This inspirational video series is scheduled to be broadcasted nationwide in Cameroon and beyond! The Returnees are typically those who have studied and/or worked and lived in the Diaspora and have moved back home to help shape the future of Cameroon – Love for country! 

The Returnees: Who are they? Where are they returning from? What are they doing upon return? Find out more from these exciting stories and kindly tell a friend to tell a friend!
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact our marketing and communication teams based in Douala,Cameroon; Atlanta, USA and Berlin, Germany.
Producers: Germaine A. Satia, Irene Z. Fon
Creator/Director: Miranda OBEN

« Don’t underestimate the power of doing something you really care about. » — Jim Motavalli


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