~Your legacy lives on long after you!~

*It’s a new month and the last month of the year 2014! Blaise Ayika wrote, « Time is not of the essence, but WHAT you do in time! » I have given this quite some thought the past days and this question keeps coming to mind: What legacy do we leave behind when we are no more? It was this time of year when Nelson Mandela passed away leaving a very strong legacy as his passing shook the world! People started re-thinking the values of life – in an article and a tribute to Tata Madiba, the Harvard Business Review wrote: FIND YOUR INNER MANDELA.

*When two days ago one of the most renowned journalists, who for decades has been a role model to women in Cameroon, left an empty space in our hearts, this again rang a bell. Had just hosted the 2nd edition of the African Tide Union event in the HWK-Dortmund that day when the sad news hit me in the face! November 29th 2014, in my tribute to Mrs Anne Nsang Nkwain I think of her devotion to her job, her sublime voice and how she in every way represented us on CRTV (Women and Development). GONE TOO SOON is a poem I put together in November 2013 trying to ease away the pain of losing a loved one. Hope this helps someone too…

« Kleine Veränderungen können eine grosse Wirkung haben. »

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