OUR KIDS AND THEIR FUTURE – July 4th 2015, in Exclusive Interview!


(L – R) Shanabelle, Blessing, Awaah, Vanessa, His Excellency Ambassador Mpay, Miranda OBEN, Akira OBEN, Helen Engonwei, Clarkson Enowbi & Tiffany Asambeng

In an exclusive interview in June, the Communication Lead Mr Eliezer Petieu and my humble self as initiator of the project, answered questions regarding the on-going preparations for the 2nd edition of the event „OUR KIDS & THEIR FUTURE“ scheduled for July 4th 2015 at the Geschwister-Scholl str 20, 44135 Dortmund!

CK: „KEEP *A* DREAM IN YOUR HEART!“ The Organizing Committee says THANK YOU for a great event: Pictures of the Second Edition of OK&TF, JULY 4th 2015 Dortmund

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